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Zoning, Policies and Politics

These presentations will focus on key foundations for a housing strategy: getting the zoning, codes and policies in place as well as developing neighborhood buy-in and institutional support for the strategy and individual projects. While changing a few policies is not likely to fix the housing crisis, most communities have zoning, codes and other policies that hinder or block many of the things that the communities now desire. Changing these can seem intimidating to many local governments, and there is often local resistance to making any changes. Sessions in this track are packed with practical steps for doing this important foundational work. Participants will gain access to valuable resources and toolkits for overcoming local opposition to housing strategies and for empowering their local government to update zoning and codes.

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Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Bill Barberg

Bill Barberg

President and Founder, InsightFormation Inc

Tim Iglesias J.D.

Tim Iglesias J.D.

Professor, University of San Francisco School of Law

Sen. Amy Klobuchar

Sen. Amy Klobuchar

State of Minnesota, United States Senator

Dr. Tiffany Manuel

Dr. Tiffany Manuel

President and CEO, TheCaseMade

Richard Rothstein

Richard Rothstein

Author, "The Color of Law", Economic Policy Institute

Clark Anderson

Clark Anderson

Executive Director, Community Builders

Delaney Anderson

Delaney Anderson

Ryan Clancy

Ryan Clancy

Chief Strategist, No Labels

Scott D. Cole

Scott D. Cole

CEO / Co-founder, Collectivity

Robin Garwood

Robin Garwood

Policy Aide for Cam Gordon, City of Minneapolis

Cam Gordon

Cam Gordon

City Council Member, City of Minneapolis

Bryan Greene

Bryan Greene

V.P. of Policy Advocacy, National Association of Realtors

Kyle Keraga

Kyle Keraga

Mike Kingsella

Mike Kingsella

Executive Director, Up for Growth

Dr. Ben Larsen

Dr. Ben Larsen

Research Associate, Boise State University

Katherine Levine Einstein

Katherine Levine Einstein

Associate Professor of Political Science, Boston University

Kerri Lowrey

Kerri Lowrey

Deputy Director, Eastern Region, Network for Public Health Law

Alan Mallach

Alan Mallach

Principal, Consultant

Doug Ryan

Doug Ryan

Senior Fellow, Prosperity Now

David Schultz

David Schultz

Professor, Hamline University

Mollie Soloway

Mollie Soloway

Maria Spera

Maria Spera

City Planner, City of Clovis

Bud Tymczyszyn

Bud Tymczyszyn

Program Manager, Community Builders


How Suburban Up-Zoning and Densification Can Benefit Everyone

Alan Mallach

Lessons from Minneapolis and Their Award-Winning 2040 Plan

David Schultz Cam Gordon Robin Garwood

Neighborhoods are not dying. They are Being Killed

Bill Barberg

Launching a Movement: New Movement to Redress Racial Segregation (NMRRS)

Tiffany Manuel Richard Rothstein

The Politics of Problem Solving

Ryan Clancy

Practical Steps to Managing Local Opposition

Katherine Levine Einstein Tim Iglesias

Practical Examples of Streamlining Bureaucracy to Reduce the Cost of Housing

Maria Spera

The Emerging Policy and Legislative Landscape for Addressing the Housing Crisis

Bryan Greene

State and Local Policy Tools to Improve Housing Affordability

Doug Ryan Bill Barberg David Schultz

Federal Roles and Opportunities for Addressing the Housing Crisis

Mike Kingsella Amy Klobuchar

Can we Find Common Ground? How we Can Make Progress in a Hyper-Partisan World

Clark Anderson

Simplifying the Process of Fixing your Zoning and Policy Issues

Bud Tymczyszyn

Panel Discussion and Q&A for Zoning and Policies

Scott D. Cole Mike Kingsella Clark Anderson Bill Barberg

Housing Matters: Legal and Policy Approaches to Preventing Housing Instability

Kerri Lowrey Kyle Keraga Mollie Soloway Delaney Anderson

Q&A - Zoning, Policies & Politics

Ben Larsen Bill Barberg