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Mike Kingsella

Executive Director, Up for Growth

About this speaker

Mike Kingsella is the Executive Director of Up for Growth, is a 501(c)(3) pro-housing policy and research member network that forges policies and partnerships across sectors to achieve housing equity, eliminate systemic barriers, and create more homes.

The organization’s policy work has resulted in the passage of Oregon’s landmark H.B. 2001, which eliminated exclusionary zoning statewide, and through its affiliated legislative advocacy campaign, Up for Growth Action, has led a series of federal pro-housing bills including H.R. 4351, the Yes in My Backyard (YIMBY) Act (2019), H.R. 2483, the Build More Housing Near Transit Act of 2021, and S. 902 and H.R. 2126, the Housing Supply and Affordability Act.

Prior to founding Up for Growth, Mike founded and served as Executive Director of Oregon Smart Growth, the first statewide affiliate of Smart Growth America’s LOCUS coalition of responsible developers and investors.

He has a Bachelor of Science in Community Development and Real Estate Development from the Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon, and has worked in housing since 2003.

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