Mike Dames
National Consultant, Aha! Process, Inc. /HOPE worldwide Expert in Economic Diversity: Presents - A Framework for Understanding Poverty, Boys in Crisis, Bridges Out of Poverty: Strategies for Professionals and Communities, and Applying Bridges Concepts.
About this speaker
Michael Dames of Harrisburg, North Carolina received a Bachelor of Science degree in marketing and earned Master of Science degrees in both special education and school administration. He started his career in corporate America and worked in marketing for 13 years. He has been a professional educator since 1995. Dames started his career in education serving as a behavior specialist. Dames has served as a special education teacher at the elementary and middle school levels. He has also served as a high school administrator. Dames also served as a case manager in the area of mental health. Dames is currently the director for HOPE worldwide Charlotte. This organization's goal is to improve the lives of people in poverty. The Charlotte chapter has several unique components. It is introducing sustainable programs that teach organizations how to build intentional relationships across economic lines. It helps people learn how to build resources and increase their social capital. Most importantly it teaches people how to transition out of poverty. Working for Dr. Payne has been a great experience for Dames. He is a living example of an individual who grew up in situational poverty in a single parent household who successfully transitioned out of poverty. Dames is consulting with various schools and human service providers in his community and across the nation to embed the Bridges and Framework constructs into their organizations. He is committed to helping community and school leaders design programs that create effective schools and sustainable communities and help people transition out of poverty. Dames has enjoyed communicating the message of aha! Process as a consultant since 2003. His passion is working with organizations in “education” and the “human services" business. His gratification comes from helping people from all economic classes gain the skills to learn and be able to better interact, serve, and relate to one another.