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Amy Appleton

Executive Director, SHARE Sonoma County

About this speaker

Founder and Executive Director of SHARE California, dba SHARE Sonoma County as of August 1, 2014. Prior, creating a home sharing program in 2010-2012 as a solution to create additional income for homeowners in danger of losing their home during this economic time of disaster.

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Shared Housing: A Win-Win for the "Home-Mates"

Amy Appleton Annamarie Pluhar

Exchanging Household Help for Home-Sharing

Amy Appleton

Case Management to Proactively Manage Issues in Home Sharing and ADU Renting (Repeat)

Stephan Stewart Amy Appleton

Panel Discussion and Q&A for Home-Sharing

Annamarie Pluhar Julie Lineberger Stephanie Rearick Bill Barberg Dorothy Mazeau Amy Appleton Richard Taylor